Whether you are handy or helpful, I need assistance in making our Halloween display the best in Santa Clara, California. The most help is needed during set-up (Oct 1), put-away (Nov. 1), and of course, handing out candy to trick 'r treaters on Halloween night. Please contact me via the form below, or just stop by!
Please support a Halloween artist! Donations to Los Muertos Cemetery helps keep the skeletons fresh and the fog machines running. Visit my GoFundMe page by clicking the GoFundMe button. My deepest, gravest gratitude in advance!


GRACIAS/THANK YOU to my amazing FIENDS for your contributions to my site, and for supporting my home haunt in Santa Clara, California. You are helping this artist ensure a frightful night for all. And thank you to the wonderful community in Santa Clara, California for making us winners in the 2019, 2020, and 2021 Best Halloween Display Contest!
Anonymous āļø
Lesley Bannatyne (ISkullHalloween.com)
Jill Browning (Martha Stewart Living)
Melissa Campbell (VillageD-Lights)
Troy Davis āļø
Jamie Domeyer (CountryNMoreGifts.com)
Katherine Fortune
Susan Hamm (Collector Editions)
Carol Hinrich
Beth Jackson Klosterboer
Ginger Kroft
Chris Kullstroem (MontersandBooks.com)
Vince Ledesma
Obie Leyva
Craig Manno āļø
Tina Minn
Danna Mitchell Carter
Mike Mohebbi
Dawn Nuccio (HalloweenStreet.com)
Britta Peterson & Glen Simon (Eerie Elegance.com)
Anthony Piana
Sandra Sierra āļø
David K. Skal (MonsterShow.net)
Travis Scala (myvillage.us.com)
Ryan Wickstrand (ZombiePumpkins.com) āļø