Like a spooky story? Something creepy and suspenseful that keeps you turning the pages, wondering, guessing, at what will happen next? I have just the story for you. My name is Matt Powers and I’ve written a book that has what you are looking for, Ghosts of Manor House.
Edmund can sense the house before he sees it. He feels its presence, a shadow over his soul like a cloud across the sun. He slowly squares his shoulders. With a deep breath, he meets the house’s gaze. Edmund is sure he hasn’t been here before but everything seems so familiar. Like he is finally coming home. *
This is my first book, and it’s a story about a family trying to rebuild. And a house looking for companionship. It is about what a husband and father will do to be with his family, and to make his family whole again. And about what a house will do to ensure it isn’t alone.
I have always been fascinated by haunted houses and ghosts. And I thought a lot about how an entity like a house might have its owns needs and desires. I wanted to write a story that told just as much about the people as the ghosts and the haunted house itself. I’ve read many haunted house books and two that inspired me in my writing of Ghosts of Manor House were The Shining by Stephen King and The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. Both of these, in my opinion, are great haunted house stories and I worked hard to try and follow in their tradition of quality. I set my standards high, and it was a tough order to fill. I think I did a good job but in the end it is up to you, the reader to determine how I did. I hope you enjoy my tale, I look forward to hearing what you think.
Ghosts of Manor House is available now both digital and print. You can find it at Amazon. For more information, visit the website: ghostsofmanorhouse.com
The house is good at waiting. It watches and waits, sometimes for years. The house is patient, like a spider, waiting for prey. It feels vibrations and reaches out, pulling the right people deeper into its web. The house has waited through long stretches of loneliness, but always, in the end, found what it was looking for. *
Matt Powers is a video game producer by day, working at Zynga in San Francisco. He has always been a voracious reader, with a head filled with stories. When not making video games he is either reading or writing – writing his scary dreams. *Excerpts from Ghosts of Manor House reprinted by permission.