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Halloween 2019 Wrap Up

And that's a wrap on Halloween 2019... almost... we have two more nights of our Dia de los Muertos display since today and tomorrow are the actual Mexican holidays. We ended with a record-breaking night of 423 trick 'r treaters and an additional estimated 800 spectators. And we DIDN'T run out of candy!

Much like the Macy's Day Parade heralds in the Christmas season, the Midsummer Scream convention in Long Beach ushers in the wicked Halloween season. I attended this year and I met the lovely Miranda from, Mike from, and even hung out with my idol, Sam from the 2007 movie Trick 'r Treat. Next year the convention expands to THREE days so book those rooms now and see you there.

Something wickedly colorful came this way and right onto my lawn with a DREAM collaboration with Britta Peterson and Ghoulish Glen of We created a second incarnation of the Dia de los Muertos display we last ran on in 2015 at Britta's house. The Scream Team, as we call ourselves, had the challenge of adapting the show onto a brand new landscape. We also created a brand new feature: a Haunted Ofrenda (altar) featuring all kinds of ghostly activity from visiting relatives. Over the five nights leading up to Halloween, we've had an average of 30-40 visitors and we have two nights remaining. 150 votes secured our win for the People's Choice Award in the city of Santa Clara's Halloween Decorating Contest.

The Scream Team's outing to the Winchester Mystery House: Unhinged Halloween attraction was also a high point with the amazing projections on the house itself. But I missed my chance at meeting Christine McConnellagain! (She was also at Midsummer Scream.) I did however get to witness her work upclose and she created a large gingerbread replica of the house.

Another highlight was seeing The Stage's production of The Rocky Horror Show which featured a former student of Foothill College (where I work). I am so proud of our students, and especially so when I can personally witness the start of their careers! Sean Okuniewicz as Riff Raff stole the show in my unbiased opinion. I was very fortunate to hobknob with the cast and crew afterwards which was so incredibly inspiring.

However, the greatest gift this season was becoming a dad again to two precious kittens, Paris and Ramses. We lost two cats earlier this year, and the house has been too silent – and much too clean – for so long.

It's now time for a long winter hibernation of at least a week or two. Plans are already underway for next year's haunt and I cannot wait for it. But first, I rest.



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